Union, ME Area Cold Cases

Lorna BrackettAge
Cause of Death
Lorna brackett and vincent white were last seen drinking at the u.S.A. Lounge in fairfield, maine on sunday 11-17-91. Witnesses saw both leave at 2200 hours, same date. On 11-18-91 at 0317 hours, waterville police were called by a neighbor who complained of loud voices and fireworks at 7 reservoir street. Police responded and found the house quiet. At 0535 hours, neighbors heard a loud explosion and witnessed a large fire at the house. Lorna and vincent were found insideAgency
Maine State Police
Thomas HuntleyAge
Cause of Death
On 04-12-79 huntley died in a fire at his home on rt. 137 in winslow. The fire was investigated initially by the fire marshal's office. The investigation was later joined by the state police on 07-02-79 when it was determined the fire was suspicious. Investigation revealed that the fire was concentrated in the living room area, where the body was located. The fire burned quickly and with intense heat. The fire was discovered by the town sanitary personnel while on their garbage route.Agency
Maine State Police
Florence LauzeAge
Cause of Death
On 08-16-75 a female body was found in a culvert in sherman lake, located in the town of newcastle, maine. The victim was identified as that of florence lauze and she may have been hitchhiking from massachusetts to damariscotta where her father lived at the time. The victim was unidentified for several days after being foundAgency
Maine State Police
Douglas ParentAge
Cause of Death
Parent was last seen alive on 10-02-83 at approximately 2045 hours in his apartment. Parent told a witness that he was going to meet a subject at 2100 hours reference money that was owed to parent by the subject. On 10-03-83 parent was found dead in his apartment.Agency
Maine State Police
Arthur RobinsonAge
Cause of Death
Robinson was found dead behind the greenhouse where he had been living. Robbery was a possible motive. A number of people have been interviewed in this case.Agency
Maine State Police
Vincent WhiteAge
Cause of Death
Vincent white and lorna brackett were last seen drinking at the u.S.A. Lounge in fairfield, maine on sunday 11-17-91. Witnesses saw both leave at 2200 hours, same date. On 11-18-91 at 0317 hours, waterville police were called by a neighbor who complained of loud voices and fireworks at 7 reservoir street. Police responded and found the house quite. At 0535 hours, neighbors heard a loud explosion and witnessed a large fire at the house. Lorna and vincent were found insideAgency
Maine State Police