Arrest at 28XX ST & MADISON AVE on 03/12/2025 10:08 PM
Type: Arrest
Date: 03/12/2025 10:08 PM
Address: 28XX ST & MADISON AVE, Ogden, UT
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Patricia RamirezAge
Cause of Death
The victim took a uta bus to clearfield, utah to see her boyfriend. The victim was breaking up with her boyfriend and wanted to take back a piece of jewelry she had given him. She met him at the gate of the clearfield job corp and talked with her boyfriend and retrieved the jewelry from him. The conversation was seen by a security guard and it was non-violent. The victim was seen walking off alone towards the bus stop. The victim was seen getting off the bus at 50 south main street in salt lake city. She was seen by a friend who knew her personally. This was the last time patricia was seen alive.On july 10, 1986 the victim’s room mate reported her missing to the salt lake city police department on july 10 at 21:0. The room mate reported patricia ramirez had never returned from clearfield.On july 13, 1986 the victim’s body was found in city creek canyon approximately 800 north bonneville drive. The victim had been thrown down a steep slope on the east side of the canyon from a parking areaAgency
Utah Department of Public Safety