Robbery at CROCUS DRIVE on 01/17/2025 5:30 PM
Type: Robbery
Date: 01/17/2025 5:30 PM
Description: Two 17-Year-Old Male Juvenile Victims Were At The Playground Where They Arranged To Meet Three Other Male Juveniles. Upon Arrival, The Three Male Subjects Forcibly Grabbed The Victims And Threw Them To The Ground, While Striking Them Numerous Times With A Closed Fist. The Subjects Then Taped Their Mouths Shut And Began Shaving Their Heads Before Removing Various Items From Their Pockets And Fleeing Scene.
Address: CROCUS DRIVE, Nassau County, NY
Google Streetview Disclaimer: This is a Google Maps Street View of the approximate area where the crime occurred. It is not necessarily the exact address view of the crime.
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