SpotCrime is a public facing crime map and crime alert service. With SpotCrime, it’s easier than ever to check crime anywhere in the United States and many other countries worldwide.Our goal is to provide the most accurate and timely crime information to the public.As the most visited crime mapping website, SpotCrime allows you to easily look up city and county crime data and reports -- all the way down to local neighborhood statistics.
How it Works
We collect relevant crime data from police agencies and validated sources to plot it on a Google map.We also analyze crime trends in your neighborhood and allow you to search for crime near any address.
Why Trust SpotCrime
SpotCrime is 100% independent.With free access to basic crime alerts we hope to encourage public trust, increase police transparency, and promote public safety.
Personalized Alerts
Stay up to date on crimes in your area by choosing between daily or weekly updates via email.Stay aware, stay safe.Unsubscribe at any time