Burglary at 1XXX ROSELLE AVE on 01/23/2025 1:53 PM
Type: Burglary
Date: 01/23/2025 1:53 PM
Description: Burglary Residence. This is from the Lakeland police crime log. Information is subject to change.
Address: 1XXX ROSELLE AVE, Lakeland, FL
Case Number: 2025-00006607
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Paul CasteelAge
58Cause of Death
On november 7, 2000 between 0030 and 0200 hours, unknown person(s) attacked the victim at his place of business on dover street, just east of u.S. Highway 41. The victim suffered multiple stab wounds and died at the scene. An unknown amount of money, and unknown make silver and gold watch, two heavy bracelets and a necklace with a religious medallion were taken from the victim.Agency
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